t e n f l e x

Value-creating processes
for different sectors

Procurement Platform for Metal Industry

We offer solutions that will enable you to make bid collection and tender management efficient in the metal industry, where there is a high request flow in almost every category.
  • Strong ERP integration infrastructure
  • Fast process management with template library
  • Custom approval flows
  • User management with authorization packages
  • Accreditation process for prospective suppliers

Procurement Platform for Cement Industry

We offer powerful functions and accurate supplier recommendations that will enable you to manage competitive tenders in the cement sector, where high-volume purchases take place.
  • Flexible tender management with competitive functions
  • Category & supplier matching algorithm with accurate supplier suggestions
  • Easy process management with template management
  • Process automation for similar processes
  • Integration of request and order information with ERP

Procurement Platform for Automotive Industry

We offer an infrastructure that allows procurement standardization and transparent management of processes in the automotive industry, where bid management is carried out in accordance with purchasing procedures for many items.
  • Request management with customized forms and approval flow
  • Customized process management with invitation list and tender management templates
  • Approval flows specific to demand and order management
  • Easy user management with special authorization packages
  • End-to-end process tracking with detailed log infrastructure

Procurement Platform for Finance Sector

We offer a process management infrastructure that will provide technical agreement with suppliers whose information has been verified in the finance sector, where a wide range of purchases of different technical specifications are made.
  • Verified pool of joint suppliers
  • Custom invitee lists infrastructure
  • Marketplace tender management
  • Easy process control with tender management histories
  • Efficiency measurement with summary and smart reporting

Procurement Platform for Logistics Sector

We offer powerful functions that will provide special process management in the logistics industry, where many parameters other than the bid are effective in bid management.
  • Dynamic specification libraries
  • Reporting with easy comparison
  • Tender management setup providing flexible process management
  • Time-saving accurate candidate supplier recommendations
  • Multi-channel notification management providing efficient supplier communication

Procurement Platform for Education Sector

We offer strong integration infrastructure and expert supplier recommendations in the education sector, which operates with limited time and resources, and bid management in many different items.
  • Strong infrastructure enabling multi-item tender management
  • The possibility of ERP integration providing process automation
  • Detailed log structure that allows tracking from request to order
  • Verified candidate supplier recommendations
  • Long-term information archive for transaction history tracking and control

Procurement Platform for Energy Sector

We offer easy tender creation options and relevant supplier recommendations from our expert supplier pool to the energy sector, where there is a need to collect bids and find new suppliers for multi-item demands.
  • Supplier recommendations with item and related supplier matching algorithm
  • Strong API support that provides ERP integration in a short time
  • Strong infrastructure enabling multi-item tender management
  • Dynamic management of user roles and authorization packages
  • Easy inspection with detailed log infrastructure and transaction histories

Procurement Platform for Construction Industry

We offer a strong infrastructure with rich tender management options to the construction industry, where many parameters other than price are taken into account when bidding, as a result of multi-item and multi-round tenders.
  • Rich and easy-to-manage tender options
  • Dynamic item questions to get information other than price in the offer
  • Easy management of multi-item and multi-round auctions
  • Easy bid evaluation with parametric reports
  • Setting user roles with self-service authorization management

Procurement Platform for Food Industry

We provide the food industry, where multi-item and participant tenders are managed for long-term agreements, with a strong tender infrastructure and easy follow-up from request to order.
  • Strong infrastructure enabling multi-item tender management
  • Supplier recommendations with item and related supplier matching algorithm
  • Strong API support that provides ERP integration in a short time
  • Approval flows specific to demand and order management
  • Easy user management with special authorization packages

Procurement Platform for Textile Industry

We offer the textile industry, where purchasing management is carried out in many different items, by using its own material lists, and integrated with ERP.
  • Strong infrastructure enabling multi-item tender management
  • ERP integration with powerful API support
  • Quote management with custom bills of materials
  • End-to-end process management and easy monitoring
  • Relevant supplier recommendations from the expert supplier pool
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