t e n f l e x

User Agreement

UPDATE: 18/07/2022

1. General

1.1. Established in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Turkey, the head office of the company is Yeniköy Merkez Mah. Vatan Cad. Teknopark No: 83 Interior Door No: B39 Başiskele/ Kocaeli, Tenflex Teknoloji Çözümleri Anonim Şirketi (“Tenflex”), its products and services, its software and technology, http://www.tenflex.net website ( “Website”).
1.2. This User Agreement (“Agreement”) is concluded between Tenflex and the visitors or users of the Website (“User”) by accepting the use of the Website by the User. If the terms of the contract are not suitable for the User, the Website and the services offered should not be used.
1.3. In this Agreement, Tenflex and the User shall be referred to as the "Party" separately and together as the "Parties".

2. User Information

2.1. A special user name and password will be defined for the users who are members in order to be able to access the Web Site and the information contained in the Web Site limited to the use of the Web Site. Users will keep their username and password confidential, will not share them with any third parties, will be responsible for all damages that may arise from the misuse or theft/loss of this password. Tenflex agrees and undertakes to notify Customer Services.
2.2. The User, during the performance of this Agreement and/or the Agreement, is fully authorized to act on his behalf, that every transaction he makes will bind him and that he will be responsible for all transactions and behaviors, that he waives in advance the objection that the transactions made using password are not made by him, Tenflex accepts and undertakes that it is not obliged to investigate the identities of the persons who make transactions by using a password.

3. Establishment of Membership Relationship

3.1. The User who wishes to become a member of the Website as a Customer or Supplier must conclude the relevant Supplier Membership Agreement and/or Customer Agreement, depending on the situation.

4. Establishment of Membership Relationship

4.1. Tenflex will not interfere with the communication between Users and will not take any responsibility in any dispute that may arise. However, Tenflex may share the statements in the comments with third parties in any situation related to the field of activity of Tenflex or in accordance with the processing conditions set forth in the GDPR in accordance with the legislation. Tenflex, at its sole discretion, may not comply with the provisions of other applicable legislation, particularly the GDPR, and/or Tenflex's company's has the right to edit and remove the relevant comments without giving any reason.
4.2. The user accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she will be personally and exclusively responsible for the content of the comments he/she writes and in case Tenflex suffers any damage due to these comments, Tenflex will pay all kinds of damages to Tenflex in cash and once upon the first request.
4.3. Tenflex reserves the right to unilaterally take all actions it deems necessary, including warning the Users, removing them completely from the Website or suspending their membership, if deemed necessary, after examining the complaints or comments sent to it. For this reason, the user cannot claim any rights, receivables, equalization and compensation of damages.

5. Updates and Location Services

5.1. In order to use the Website, the User must follow the updates regarding the Website to which he/she is accessing from the computer, mobile phone and/or tablet he/she is using, or the browser from which he/she accesses the Website. Tenflex will not be responsible for any disruptions that may result from not downloading innovations and updates regarding the Website and browsers.
5.2. Geographical location information of the User will be transmitted to Tenflex via the Website, via the computer, mobile phone and/or tablet he/she is using. In this context, the User's personal data, including the geographical location, will be monitored by Tenflex on the Website and may be shared with relevant third parties, especially other users, to the extent necessary.

6. Website Content

6.1. Tenflex does not undertake that the Website will be error-free, uninterrupted and secure, or that the use of any content, search or link on the Website or Website will provide specific results. Tenflex cannot guarantee that any file downloaded from the Website will be free of viruses or similar destructive features.
6.2. The relevant Users will be responsible for the comments, ideas, recommendations, explanations and other similar information or content published by the Users on the Website. Tenflex does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or integrity of the information accessed through the Website.
6.3. The Website may contain links or references to other websites or applications that are not under the control of Tenflex. Tenflex will not be responsible for the contents of this website and applications or any other links on them.

7. Accessing the Website

7.1. In order to protect the security and integrity of the Website, Tenflex may, at its sole discretion, always block some Users or IP addresses from accessing the Website.
7.2. Tenflex shall have the right to prevent the User from using the Website or to disable or suspend the User's username and password at its sole discretion, at any time without giving any reason, especially in case of violation of the provisions of this Agreement.

8. Intellectual Property Rights

8.1. All intellectual property rights ("Intellectual Property") of the Website, including but not limited to the design, text, image, html code and other codes, belong to Tenflex. The User cannot use Tenflex's information and Tenflex's Intellectual Property for commercial purposes regarding the services offered on the Website or the Website. The User may not reproduce, distribute, derive or prepare derivative works and reverse engineering activities of Tenflex's Intellectual Property, nor list or index any information contained in the Tenflex application, without the consent of Tenflex. All rights regarding Tenflex's Intellectual Property, Tenflex trademarks, commercial information and know-how are reserved.
8.2. No provision within the scope of this Agreement will result in the transfer of any intellectual and/or industrial rights owned by Tenflex; All existing and future rights regarding the Website and the services offered on the Website before, during and/or after the contract belong to Tenflex. In this context, the User may use the pictures, texts, audiovisual images, video clips, files, databases, catalogs and lists, software owned by Tenflex, brands and names/titles, symbols, logos and signs used by Tenflex on the Website. . 8.3. Tenflex has intellectual property rights regarding all data that will be generated by the use of the Website. With this information, Tenflex may issue reports containing statistical information with anonymized personal data, use this information or reports itself, or share these information and reports with business partners and third parties, without disclosing the User's personal data.

9. Privacy and Processing of Personal Data

9.1. Tenflex processes the User's personal data in accordance with the GDPR as specified in the Tenflex "Clarification Text on the Processing of Personal Data".
9.2. Tenflex may communicate with the User via SMS, e-mail or any other means in order to verify the User's information.
9.3. The user accepts that the information and content shared on the Website can be indexed by various search engines and displayed by third parties on the search result screens of the search sites.

10. Severability

10.1. In the event that any provision of this Agreement becomes invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement will not be affected by this situation and each provision remaining in force will be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent. In case of partial invalidity, the Parties agree to replace the invalid or unenforceable provision with a valid and enforceable provision that will best allow the protection of the interests of the Parties sought to be protected under this Agreement.

11. User's Relationship with Tenflex

11.1. It accepts and declares that no provision of this Agreement creates a partnership, agency, employee-employer, consultancy, brokerage or similar relationship with the Party, and that the Parties are legal or natural persons independent of each other.

12. Change

12.1. Tenflex may, at its sole discretion and unilaterally, amend the Agreement at any time by posting it on the Website. The changes made take effect directly on the date of publication on the Website, without being bound by any notice and/or acceptance. If the User does not wish to be bound by the amended Agreement, he should not use the Website.

13. Waiver and Exercise of Rights

13.1. Tenflex's failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right or privilege arising from this Agreement cannot be interpreted as a waiver of such right or privilege by Tenflex.

14. Waiver and Exercise of Rights

14.1. This Agreement enters into force when the User uses the www.tenflex.net Website.

15. Waiver and Exercise of Rights

15.1. This Agreement has been signed in accordance with Turkish laws; It will be subject to and interpreted according to Turkish laws.
15.2. Istanbul Courts and Enforcement Offices shall be exclusively authorized to settle all disputes arising from or related to this Agreement.

Privacy and Information Security Policy

UPDATE: 18/07/2022

Your privacy and information security are important to us. In this context, our Privacy and Information Security Policy explains the basic rules we adopt to protect the confidentiality of information. Necessary measures are taken in order to ensure that all our employees and the different organizations that we receive support services from can show the highest level of sensitivity in this regard, and the protection of customer information in all applications and processes is taken into consideration.
Protection of all information regarding our User/Members from unauthorized access, misuse and modification, corruption and destruction; Ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information is our basic approach. Tenflex Technology Solutions Inc. ("Company") implements Information Security Management System (ISMS) to ensure information security in accordance with laws and all legal regulations, industry rules, obligations arising from agreements and business needs.
You can visit the company's website and/or mobileweb without providing any personal information, get information about our products and services, and benefit from our human resources and other detailed services. On the other hand, we would like to share that necessary measures have been taken to protect the personal data of our User/Members. Clarification Text on the Processing of Personal Data you can check it www.tenflex.net/en/terms-and-conditions.html.
The company stores the information it collects through cookies, log files, empty gif files and/or third-party resources on the website and applications in order to create a summary of the User's/Member's preferences and may share it with third parties for this purpose. Cookie Usage Policy you can check it www.tenflex.net/en/terms-and-conditions.html.
Our Website provides links and referrers to other websites. Our commitments in our Privacy Policy are valid only within our website and do not cover other websites.
The Company can always update this Privacy and Information Security Policy in case of any changes in the processes. To the latest updated version of the Privacy and Information Security Policy can be accessed www.tenflex.net/en/terms-and-conditions.html.

Tenflex Teknoloji Çözümleri A.Ş.
About the Processing of Personal Data
Clarification Text

UPDATE: 18/07/2022

As Tenflex Teknoloji Çözümleri Anonim Şirketi (“Tenflex” or “Company”), we attach importance and care to the privacy and protection of your personal data. Accordingly, Article 10 of the Data Protection Law No. 29677 dated 7 April 2016 (“Law”) titled “Information Obligation of the Data Controller” and the Procedure and Procedure to be Complied with in the Fulfillment of the Disclosure Obligation published in the Official Gazette dated 10 March 2018 and numbered 30356. In accordance with the Communiqué on the Principles, we aim to inform you about your personal data processed by the Company with this Clarification Text.

a) Identity of Data Controller

Tenflex has the title of "Data Controller" within the scope of the Law and related regulations, and you can reach us via the contact information given below.
Address: Yeniköy Merkez Mah. Vatan Cad. Technopark No: 83 Inner Door No: B39 Başiskele/ Kocaeli
E-mail: bilgi@tenflex.net

b) Processed Personal Data

The following personal data are processed within the scope of your relationship with Tenflex;
Credentials: name, surname
Contact Information: e-mail address, phone number, address information
Location Information: location information of the location
Transaction Security Information: IP address information, website login and exit information, log records, username and password information
Financial Information: bank account information
Marketing Information: request history information, cookie records
Audio and Audio Recordings: Sound recordings, photographs

c) Purposes and Legal Reasons for Processing Personal Data

Your personal data obtained within the scope of your relationship with Tenflex is processed by us for the following purposes within the framework of the legal reasons specified in Article 5 of the Law: 1. Within the scope of your membership relations, your identity information, contact information, location information, transaction information, transaction security information, financial information, marketing information, customer service voice recordings are "personal data belonging to the parties of the contract, provided that they are directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract" by Tenflex. It is processed for the following purposes and stored for the periods stipulated in the legislation, based on the legal grounds that it is necessary to be processed”, “it is necessary for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation” and “it is compulsory for the legitimate interest of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject”:
  a. Execution of activities in accordance with the legislation,
  b. Execution of finance and accounting works,
  c. Execution of communication activities,
  d. Execution / supervision of business activities,
  e. Execution of after-sales support services for goods / services,
  f. Execution of goods / services sales processes,
  g. Execution of goods / services production and operation processes,
  h. Execution of customer relationship management processes,
  i. Execution of contract processes,
  j. Execution of marketing processes of products / services,

2. Within the scope of your membership relations, your identity information, contact information, location information, transporter transaction information, transaction security information, financial information, cookie records, customer service voice recordings are provided by Tenflex as "personal information of the parties to the contract, provided that they are directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract". It is processed for the following purposes and stored for the periods stipulated in the legislation, based on the legal grounds that it is necessary to process the data”, “obligatory for the data controller to fulfill his legal obligation” and “obligatory for the legitimate interest of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject”:
  a. Execution of activities in accordance with the legislation,
  b. Execution of finance and accounting works,
  c. Execution of communication activities,
  d. Execution / supervision of business activities,
  e. Execution of after-sales support services for goods / services,
  f. Execution of goods / services sales processes,
  g. Execution of goods / services production and operation processes,
  h. Execution of customer relationship management processes,
  i. Execution of contract processes,
  j. Your products/services market, log records, cookie records are "explicitly stipulated in the law" by Tenflex, "obligatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation" and "obligatory for the legitimate interest of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject". It is processed for the purpose of ensuring transaction security and carrying out activities in accordance with the legislation, and stored for 2 years in accordance with the legislation;

d) Transfer of Personal Data

Within the scope of your membership relations, your identity information, contact information, location information and request information will be transferred for the realization of the requested transaction based on the legal reason "provided that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract".
Within the scope of your membership relations, your identity information and financial information will be transferred to the business partner payment service providers for the purpose of making the payment for the requested transaction, based on the legal reason "provided that it is necessary to process the personal data of the parties to the contract, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or performance of a contract".
Your personal data, pursuant to the provisions of the Law on the transfer of personal data, within the framework of the above-mentioned legal reasons and purposes, authorized public institutions and organizations, courts and enforcement offices, suppliers and other business partners providing services such as information technology support, security services, Company shareholders, group can be shared with our companies and affiliates.
Your processed personal data may be transferred abroad in accordance with Article 9 of the Law.

e) Personal Data Collection Methods

Tenflex collects your personal data from you and related business partners during the establishment of your relationship with the Company and during the continuation of the relationship, primarily through the registration and updating of the Tenflex website and applications, via internet, telephone, e-mail and in physical, written form. collects it from verbal and electronic channels for processing within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes.

f) Rights of the Person whose Personal Data is Processed

Your personal data by applying to us pursuant to Article 11 of the Law regulating the rights of the person concerned;

  • Learning whether it has been processed,
  • request information about it if it has been processed,
  • Learning the purpose of processing and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
  • knowing the third parties to whom it has been transferred in the country or abroad,
  • to request correction of them if they are incomplete or incorrectly processed,
  • Requesting its deletion or destruction within the framework of the conditions stipulated in the Law,
  • to request notification of correction, deletion or destruction to third parties to whom it has been transferred,
  • to object to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing it exclusively through automated systems,
  • You have the right to demand the compensation of the damage in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing.

g) Application to Data Controller

You can send your requests regarding the rights you have under the law to our address above in writing within the framework of the "Communiqué on Application Procedures and Principles to the Data Controller" by proving your identity, or you can send them through a notary public. In addition, you can forward it to bilgi@tenflex.net using secure electronic signature, mobile signature or the e-mail address you have previously notified to Tenflex and registered in the system. .
Applications to be made within this scope will be accepted following the identity verification to be made by us, and your requests will be finalized as soon as possible and within 30 days at the latest, according to the nature of the request, in accordance with the Law.

h) Changes

Tenflex can always update this Clarification Text on the Processing of Personal Data in case of any changes in the processes. To the latest updated version of the Clarification Text on the Processing of Personal Data you can access it at www.tenflex.net/en/terms-and-conditions.html.

Cookie Usage Policy

UPDATE: 18/07/2022

Tenflex Technology Solution www.tenflex.net website ("Website") and applications in order to better serve its visitors and users, and within the scope of its legal obligation, this Cookie Usage Policy and The User/Member will be able to process the navigation information within the framework of the Clarification Text on the Processing of Personal Data, which you can find at www.tenflex.net/en/terms-and-conditions.html
Cookies are text files containing small pieces of information that are loaded by the User/Member's internet browser and stored on their computer, mobile phone or tablet when the User/Member visits the website or connects via mobile web.
It stores the information it collects through cookies, log files, empty gif files and/or third party sources found on the Website and applications in order to create a summary of the User's/Member's preferences and may share it with third parties for this purpose. In order to make special promotions, offer promotions and marketing offers to the User/Member through the Company, website and applications, to improve the content of the said channels according to the User/Member and/or to determine their preferences; It can monitor the User/Member's navigation information on the said channels and/or the usage history on these channels. In addition, it can match the information collected from the User/Member with different methods such as information collected online and offline, or on these channels at different times, and use this information together with the information obtained from third-party sources. The said matching and usage will only be within the framework of this Cookie Usage Policy and the Clarification Text on the Processing of Personal Data and can only be shared with third parties within this framework.

a) Types of Cookies

The website and applications use session cookies and persistent cookies. The session ID cookie expires when the User/Member closes their browser. Persistent cookie remains on the hard disk of the User/Member for a long time. The User/Member can remove cookies and reject both session cookies and persistent cookies by following the instructions given in the "help" file of their internet browser. If the User/Member refuses permanent cookies or session cookies, he/she may continue to use the Website and its applications, but may not be able to access all functions of the said channels or may have limited access.

b) How are Cookies Used?

1. Cookies are used to remember the preferences made by the User/Member and to personalize the use of the Website and applications. This usage:

  (ii) It includes cookies that remember and recognize the User/Member in the next visit to the Website and its applications.
2. It is used to determine where the User/Member connects to the Website and its applications, what content he views on the Website and its applications, and how he uses the Website and its applications, including the duration of his visit.
3. It is used for the purpose of targeted advertisement/promotion, in order to present more appropriate content and advertisements to the interests of the User/Member and to the User/Member. In this way, the Company offers more suitable content, personalized campaigns and products to the User/Member when he/she uses the Website and applications, and does not bring the content or opportunities that he/she previously stated that he/she does not want to the attention of the User/Member again. The Website and its applications match the information obtained through cookies with other personal data collected by the Company.

How does the Website and its applications use third-party cookies for advertising and retargeting?

The Website and its applications may also use cookies to activate the "advertising technology" in order to present the advertisements that the User/Member thinks may be of interest to the User/Member when he visits the search engines, the websites where the Website and applications advertise. Advertising technology uses information about the User/Member's previous visits to the Website and its applications, and to the websites/mobileweb/mobile applications where they advertise, in order to present User/Member specific advertisements.

c) Changes

The Company can always update this Cookie Usage Policy in case of any changes in the processes. You can access the latest updated version of the Cookie Usage Policy at www.tenflex.net/en/terms-and-conditions.html adresinden erişilebilirsiniz.